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Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

Animal and Agriculture References

Center for Disease Control

CDC applies critical science to provide health information and guidance to protect our nation against health threats, and assist with response when these arise.


Emergency Animal Sheltering During Coronavirus Disease Pandemic  - Downloadable PDF


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions


COVID-19 and Animals


Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Veterinary Clinics Treating Companion Animals During the COVID-19 Response


Proper N95 Respirator Use for Respiratory Protection Preparedness


American Veterinary Medical Association

The AVMA is an association veterinarians advocating for advancing the science and practice of veterinary medicine to improve animal and human health.  The site has resources for veterinarian, pet owners and shelters on best management practices during the COVID19 pandemic.


Interim recommendations for intake of companion animals from households where humans with COVID-19 are present


American Associate of Equine Practitioners

AAEP is an association of equine veterinarians dedicated to the advancement of equine practice and medicine.  Their site has recommendations and best practices specifically directed towards horse owners and veterinarians during Covid 19.


American Association of Bovine Practitioners

AABP is an association of Cattle veterinarians dedicated to the advancement of Dairy and Beef Cattle medicine and production.  They have compiled a list of best practices for continuing essential veterinary services. Resources For Cattle Veterinarians Regarding The Covid-19 Outbreak


​American Association of Swine Veterinarians

AASV is an association of swine veterinarians dedicated to the advancement of swine medicine and production.  Their webpage lists multiple resources for swine veterinarians in dealing with farms affected by Covid or affected by supply chain issues caused by Covid.  There are also farm planning tools available for disaster management.


On Farm Crisis Planning Toolkit



The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the health and welfare of small animals.  They have particular expertise in companion animal rescue, sheltering and adoption.  ASPCA has collaborated with other NGOs and organizations with subject matter expertise to produce guidance documents for pet owners and animal shelters dealing with Covid19.



The United State Department of Agriculture is the lead federal agency on animals, agriculture and food related issues.  USDA has multiple COVID-19 related assistance programs and guidance through its many divisions.  The programs include direct assistance, guidance documents and best practice recommendations, along with updates on the evolving situation of animal susceptibility and food supply chain issues. 

Rural Resources


CDC, AVMA and University Shelter Medicine Program Recommendations for Intake, Housing, and Care of Animals from COVID-19 Households


USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Loans:


General Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Information:


Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL):


H-2A Temporary Agricultural Workers


Food Safety Inspection Services

FSIS is an agency within the USDA that deals explicitly with Meat and Poultry inspection at slaughter to ensure a wholesome food supply.  The FSIS website addresses many questions regarding the risk associated with Covid 19 and food. 


Meat and Poultry Plant Map

This site is maintaining a running list of meat and poultry plants with diminished capacity due to employee issues associated with Covid19.



The food and drug administration has regulatory authority over dairy products and egg products as well as medication.  The Frequently Asked question page addresses issue with Covid 19 associated food supply issues and the response.


US Department of Labor – OSHA

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulates workforce protections and safety.  Covid-19 related resources and best practices can be found on their website.


US Department of Transportation

USDOT has regulatory authority over trucking and overland transport of goods, emergency measures have been instituted to mitigate supply chain issues related to the trucking industry. US Department of Transportation Issues National Emergency Declaration for Commercial Vehicles Delivering Relief in Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak


National Milk Producers Federation

The national milk producers federation is an industry group focused on the production, distribution and marketing of milk and dairy products. The website provides resources and lists some of the challenges and responses the dairy industry is facing during the COVID19 pandemic.


Memo from EPA regarding Surplus Milk

The federal Environmental Protection Agency has issued a memo regarding guidance to dumping of surplus milk due to COVID-19 related supply chain issues. 


International Dairy Food Association

IDFA is an industry group focused on the promotion of dairy products, they have COVID-19 related resources available on their website.


US Poultry and Egg Association

THE US Poultry and Egg Association is an industry group focused on the promotion of US poultry in the United States and abroad.  There website has information on supply chain issues and links to important labor safety guidance from CDC, NIOSH and OSHA as related to food production.


Pork Checkoff

The Pork Checkoff is a producer supported industry organization representing US swine producers and related industries.  The checkoff has multiple Covid-19 related resources available on it’s website focused on swine production and supply chain issues.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to achieve food security for all. With over 194 member states, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide. Guidelines to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on livestock production and animal health

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